April 2011

Sewage is mixing up in the beautiful neighborhood lake in Prince William County on the Williamson Blvd.   I have escalated this to Prince William County Sanitation department. Let us see what they are to take action to save the flora and fauna. We ought to save the beautiful ducklings that are in the lake.

We also recorded a sectional video of the pollution which can be viewed here:

Pollution in Linden Lake

We have been seen scores of posts on paramour relationships, brides eloping from matrimony house clinging to their parents house with the base objective of shrieking their moral obligations. I would like to share the noble discussion between Smt. Saraswathi (divine consort of Sri Raghavendra) as enacted in the Mahaan serial.

Nowadays even if the bride is cooperating with live peacefully in the matrimonial home, her parents poison her mind with wild speculations either in their over-affection or avaricious greed or reasons best known to them.

I fondly hope if we could see a bride like the one in the attached conversation of Mahaan Serial (Sri Raghavendra Life Story) where she defends her matrimonial home to her parents and upholds our rich heritage. With the blessings of Guru Raghavendra let us hope we get happy families reinstated in our country.

You can check out the video from Vodpod. For those non-tamil speaking folks here is the translation of the conversation.


Saraswathi’s parents are visiting her at matrimonial residence. Saraswathi’s sister-in-law leaves them in private conversation and goes to help in preparing a few refreshments for them.

Saraswathi’s Mother (SM): Come near Saraswathi. How are you?

Saraswathi: I am doing good, mom.

SM: Hope you are without any issues and are happy in your matrimonial home!

Saraswathi: I am perfectly feeling blissful. His brother and sister-in-law are indeed mine. They treat me like a treasured asset. Even if it is my blood-brother I don’t think they would take so much care and focus on me.

SM: If they treat you from the view of a brother and sister-in-law would they dare to be so callous and careless?

Saraswathi: What mom? Why do you talk so rubbish and inebriated?

SM:  How on earth should I talk more diplomatically? If they treat you like their kit and kin would they leave you in a lurch like this?

Saraswathi’s Dad (SD): What the heck are you talking to Saraswathi without focussing on the topic that we had come for?

SM: Shut up. I can not be keep quite seeming my daughter’s plight. My blood-born daughter. My heart is burning. In this tender loving age,  did we give her away in wedlock only to make her suffer in anguish of solitude?

Saraswathi: Mom. What are you trying to convey? Have you decided that ‘I am not happy here at all?’

SD: What to do research and decide in this experiment? Had this been their family daughter would they ever dare to do this?

Saraswathi: Dad. He didn’t go to Sree Matam dancing to anyone’s tunes.

SM: If he wanted to go on a learning spree on Vedas shouldn’t he have the moral obligation of informing the bridal family too?

Saraswathi: Who the heck came and told you that he eloped without my consensus?

SD: Why do you talk on a separatist attitude?

Saraswathi: How in other diplomatic tone do you express me to convey more? Who told you that I am crying on a melancholic tone? The veena that he used is lying around here. The sacred chair that he adored is here. His favorite God resides in this place and spreading positive divine vibrations. To peak everything else, his heart beats in me. He might be physically absent but his memories are omnipotent and all-pervasive here.

The happiness I get here would not be summarily missing at my ex-parental residence. The only thing I would get there is an open hurling of abuses from public — ‘The shameless girl who can not live a peaceful life at her matrimonial home and who does not know to live in harmony with her ethically legitimate spouse.’

Dad. Please pardon me. I beg and plead you that do not solicit and tender request to me inviting you to your home. I can happily wait for any number of ages for my sweet-heart.

SD: You are a little girl. We were deeply disturbed whether these turn of events would have roughly shaken you up and left you in distress amidst incessant tears. That actually drove us crazy and made us to run fast and meet you.

You have grown mature. We are proud to see you with this bright and blooming maturity.

SM: I was apprehensive whether you might be reeling in a deep mental trauma all alone yourself with no one to support/console you and/or extend supportive shoulders.

Nay. I vision got corrected now. Let my son-in-law return whenever he feels so. I am sure your pious devotion to your spouse would get him back faster and fastest to you. Only now the parents heart feel fully satisfied to the brim. Be blessed my child.

SD: So we are starting home now. Good luck my child.


I express my heart-felt gratitude of Sri Raghavendra for His profound and unbound compassion and blessings in helping me translate the conversations into English above. It is again another miracle of knowledge bliss similar to the one He blessed the illiterate poor shepherd in the Adoni samstanam with profound knowledge and got Him as a diwan of Adoni itself.

Om Sri Raghavendraya Namaha